Van Alstyne ISD

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Counseling » Counseling Department

Counseling Department

counseling department
John and Nelda Partin Elementary (K-4) - Sara Williams
Bob and Lola Sanford Elementary (PK-4) - Angela Lemons
Van Alstyne Middle School (5-6) - Leslie Rich
Van Alstyne Junior High (7-8) - Tammi Walters
Van Alstyne High School (9-12) - Bobbi Dyer (A-L)
                                                     Denise Jensen (M-Z)
more about the counseling department
drug and alcohol awareness  child abuse and neglect transcript request bullying and cyberbullying
self injury   tele health
letter of recommendation  academic planning guide  transcript request  vahs community service 
vahs schedule change request  state graduation requirements  scholarship  dual creditxello