District Name:
Van Alstyne Independent School District
Size & Class Size:
VAISD serves approximately 2400 students
Grade Level Alignment
Partin Elementary- K-4
Sanford Elementary- PK-4
Middle School-5-6
Junior High- 7-8
High School- 9-12
Rating = A
Distinguishing Characteristics, Specializations, and Program Offerings
Van Alstyne High School students have the ability to choose between AP courses or dual credit courses, and can currently acquire 32 college credits from courses offered by college professors on campus during the school day. In partnership with Grayson County College, students are also able to acquire career certifications in welding, cosmetology, HVAC and OSHA. VAHS also has a dual credit culinary certification program offered in their culinary kitchen.
Our students excel in extracurricular activities, including: band, athletics, choir, theater, audio/ visual, Ag, UIL, culinary arts, and robotics. Students are also able to become active in leadership or service organizations such as PALS, Ready Set Teach, National Honor Society, and FCA.
Safety and Security
Van Alstyne ISD places the utmost importance on the health and safety of our students. Each of our campuses is staffed with a full time counselor and a full-time nurse to assist with our students' needs. We also have a Van Alstyne ISD Police Department. Partin Elementary, Sanford Elementary, Van Alstyne Junior High and Van Alstyne High School have tornado shelters located on campus in case of bad weather situations. All schools have secured entrances and extensive video surveillance.
M&O/I&S Tax Rates and Last Bond Passage
M&O – $.95; I&S - $.50; Total - $1.45; Last Bond Passage – May 2021
Average Home Value in District
Selling Points
Van Alstyne ISD continually looks for ways to improve the education for all students, and is rated an "A" district by the Texas Education Agency. Students in Van Alstyne score significantly higher than the state average on most STAAR exams, as well as on the SAT and ACT exams.
District Philosophy
Van Alstyne ISD will be a premier school district providing a well-rounded, safe school experience that prepares our graduates to discover and attain their life goals. As a premier school district we want our students and staff to be Prepared while making learning Relevant. We also look for ways to keep our students Engaged and Motivated through Innovative strategies to meet all students' needs. We take pride in our ability to be Encouraging while fostering positive Relationships.
Contact Information
Van Alstyne ISD – 903-482-8802