Van Alstyne ISD

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There are a variety of ways a school district is held accountable.  Each is an important instrument in determining if our District is the right fit for your child.  The most important method in which we are held accountable is how our students and parents view what we are doing to meet the individual child’s needs.  

We encourage families that are thinking of moving to Van Alstyne to talk to families in the District.  It is our goal to be the premier district in the state.  We believe forming close relationships between our staff and students is an essential part in becoming premier.  The staff has worked diligently to create a strong learning environment in which all students will maximize their potential.

You are always welcome to visit our campuses and talk to the staff.  We would love to have the opportunity to help your child reach his or her full potential.

To the left you will find various reports that have been developed in order to help parents determine if this is the right fit for their family.  Please call the Superintendent’s office if there are any questions you have about the District or the reports.
Extraordinary public health and safety circumstances inhibited the ability of the state to accurately measure district and campus performance in 2020-21. Therefore, for 2020-21, all districts and campuses received a rating of Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster overall and in each domain. Distinction designations were not awarded for 2020-21. See TEA’s 2021 Accountability webpage for more information: TEA's 2021 Accountability Webpage
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