Van Alstyne ISD

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The Business Office is responsible for the management of the district funds and fiscal operations  Van Alstyne Independent School District has an annual operating budget of $39.9 million dollars.  This money is used for salaries, instructional supplies, facilities maintenance, transportation and various other expenditures.

The Business Office functions include the following: Accounting, Accounts Payable & Receivables, Budget, Cash Management, Employee Benefits, Fixed Assets, Investments, Payroll, PEIMS, Purchasing, Risk Management and Records Management.

The Business Office staff is committed to serving the needs of the Van Alstyne ISD students, staff and community.  Staff members and their contact information is below:

Renee Maples Chote, CTSBO
Chief Financial Officer
[email protected]

Melissa Reid
Payroll/Benefits Manager
[email protected]
Lisa Dietz
PEIMS Manager
[email protected]

Stephanie Wolfe
Accounts Payable/Receivable Manager/Records Retention
[email protected]